Lowongan Kerja Terbaru SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru PT Pharos Indonesia April 2024
PT Pharos Indonesia adalah salah satu perusahaan farmasi terbesar di Indonesia yang memproduksi dan memasarkan produk-produk kefarmasian yang inovatif dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan rakyat Indonesia. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tanggal 30 September 1971 oleh Bapak Dr. Eddie Lembong, seorang entrepreneur visioner yang ingin membangun sebuah perusahaan farmasi lokal yang modern, efisien, dan berstandar tinggi; sebanding dengan yang terbaik di dunia. Impian ini tercapai cukup dini berkat beliau dan Pharos sampai sekarang adalah perusahaan farmasi yang terkemuka di Indonesia.
Saat ini PT Pharos Indonesia kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan April 2024 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.
1. Accounting Staff
Job Descriptions :
- Calculate, pay and report income Tax and Value Added Tax together in one period to ensure timely reporting of PPh and VAT
- Validate and input sales and purchase return notes to calculate the reconciliation of supplier payables and distribution receivables
- Close Financial Reports by inputing data into the system, transaction journals, and reports to generate financial report data
- Reconcile balance sheet details, including the position of assets (receivables) and liabilities (payable), to determine the company’s assets positions
- Carry out the Web invoice exchange process (Invoice Control) and create invoice/billing receipts for relations to ensure timely bill payments to suppliers and receipt of recevables from distributors
- Prepare corporate tax return data that has been reported and financial reports that have been audited for tax audit purposes
Qualifications :
- Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting is required
- Minimum of one years of previous accounting experience is preferred, fresh graduates are welcome to apply
- Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word and Accounting is a must
- Placement in Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan
2. Cost Control Staff
Job Descriptions
- Monitor operational budget in business activity in the company, based on the regular budget that has been made, to ensure the activity of the company in accordance with the company’s business objectives
- Review and monitor company financial routine expenditure based on the existing policy by making comparisons over the budget that has been created with the actual costs incurred to minimize the cost of variants
- Manage company cost by monitor company budget that gave been made with the financial condition of the company, so all cost be register and give informative report
- Evaluate all projects cost that have been used, so company can ensure project effectiveness and activities in accordance with the objective of the company business
- Prepare financial statement report periodically, so board alywas be informed the progress of projects that have been executed
Qualifications :
- SLTA/D3/Fresh Graduate (maximum 1 years of working experience) from accounting/finance/economy/related fields bachelor’s degree
- Possess skill in budgeting and cost monitoring
- Located in Jakarta (around Jakarta) or willing to be relocated to Jakarta
- Able to do high mobility Jon and have active SIM C/SIM A
3. Cost Control Staff
Job Descriptions :
- Monitor operational budget in business activity in the company, based on the regular budget that has been made, to ensure the activity of the company in accordance with the company’s business objectives
- Review and monitor company financial routine expenditure based on the existing policy by making comparisons over the budget that has been created with the actual costs incurred to minimize the cost of variants
- Manage company cost by monitor company budget that gave been made with the financial condition of the company, so all cost be register and give informative report
- Evaluate all projects cost that have been used, so company can ensure project effectiveness and activities in accordance with the objective of the company business
- Prepare financial statement report periodically, so board alywas be informed the progress of projects that have been executed
Qualifications :
- SLTA/D3/Fresh Graduate (maximum 1 years of working experience) from accounting/finance/economy/related fields bachelor’s degree
- Possess skill in budgeting and cost monitoring
- Located in Medan (around Medan) or willing to be relocated to Medan
- Able to do high mobility Jon and have active SIM C/SIM A
4. Internal Control PSSP Staff
Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
- Memastikan proses persetujuan usulan dan Marketing diproses sesuai dengan SOP yang berlaku untuk menghindari terjadinya penyimpangan terhadap SOP yang berlaku serta melakukan monitoring terhadap prosesnya agar tepat waktu dan tepat sasaran
- Memastikan proses yang berhubungan dengan biaya kegiatan marketing agar sesuai dengan SOP dan aturan yang berlaku
- Memastikan proses yang berhubungan dengan biaya kegiatan marketing sesuai dengan SOP dan aturan yang berlaku untuk meminimalisir aranya kesalahan dalam proses bisnis yang dijalankan
Kualifikasi :
- Minimum Fresh Graduate tingkat Diploma (D3) atau Sarjana (S1) dari jurusan apa saja
- Bersedia untuk ditempatkan di Jakarta Selatan
5. R&D Analytical Development Intern
Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
- Melakukan uji coba metode analisa bahan baku dan produk jadi
- Mendokumentasikan hasil uji metode analisa
- Mengoperasikan instrumen analisa, seperti High Perfomance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) dan UV Vis Spectrophometer
- Melakukan pemeliharaan instrumen dan perlatan laboratorium
Kualifikasi :
- Mahasiswa D3 Jurusan Analisa Kimia/Analisa Farmasi dan Makanan
- Memiliki ketertarikan tinggi dan pengetahuan dasar terkait analisis kimia untuk produk farmasi
- Pengetahuan dasar terkait pedoman analytical development dalam industri farmasi, seperti FI, CPOB, CPOBT, cGMP, GLP dan GdocP akan menjadi nilai tambah
- Bersedia menjalankan program magang minimal 6 bulan dengan sistem Work From Office (WFO) di Jakarta Selatan
6. Business Process Analyst Intern
Job Descriptions :
- Collect data from different sources related to business processes to support analyisi and recommendations
- Analyze and evaluate existing business processes to identify opportunities for efficiency improvements
- Identify bottlenecks or problems in business processes, analyze root causes and formulate solutions to understand the scope to improvement
- Collaborate with relevant parties implementing improvements to business processes to increase work efficiency and effectiveness
Qualitications :
- D3/S1/S2 graudates in industrial engineering, management or other related majors
- Experience in process improvement projects is a plus
- Skills in project management, business analysis and data analysis are preferred
Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran ke alamat email berikut: elsaramadhanti@pharos.co.id Subject email : Posisi_Nama Lengkap