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Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tahun 2022


PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk  yang senantiasa mengoptimalkan pendukung bisnis seperti sumber daya manusia dan teknologi informasi. BNI optimis bahwa prospek usaha kedepan akan terus meningkat, dalam hal ini Perseroan meyakini sumber daya manusia adalah salah satu unsur penentu keberhasilan kinerja Perseroan. Berbagai pencapaian dan pertumbuhan positif Perseroan, antara lain dihasilkan oleh kinerja baik para insan BNI.




Bina BNI

BNI Wilayah 11


  • Teller
  • Administration

Are You The One We Are Looking For?

  • Male / Female with minimum height 165 cm for male and 155 cm for female
  • Maximum age 25 years old at the time of admission selection
  • Minimum possess Associate (Diploma 3) or Bachelor degree with minimum GPA 2.50
  • Do not have work experience
  • Not married and willing to not marry during the internship period
  • Attractive appearance, healthy and not color blind
  • Never been involved in drugs abuse or other law violations, as proven by a Police Certificate (SKCK)
  • Obtained approval from parent / guardian, as evidenced by an Approval Letter signed by the parent / guardian concerned
  • The application form must be accompanied by a full body postcard size color photograph (front view and side view), half body photograph and close up photograph
  • Online registration opened until January 31, 2022

Placement Area

Wilayah 11 oversee the following branch offices:

  • Manado
  • Kotamobagu
  • Palu
  • Toli-toli
  • Tomohon
  • Ternate
  • Parigi ex (Poso)
  • Luwuk
  • Gorontalo
  • Bitung
  • Tahuna

Assisten Kredit Standar

BNI Wilayah Surabaya

Carrying out marketing activities for the productive segment (standard credit), creditworthiness analysis, verification of business data and collateral, preparation of credit facility structures and maintaining credit quality.
General Qualifications

Maximum age 26 years old (by 1 February 2022)
Minimum possess Associate degree (Diploma 3), with minimum GPA 2.75
Male minimum 165 cm
Female minimum 155 cm
with proportional weight
Not married
Attractive appearance, capable, and have good communication skills
Never been involved in drugs abuse, or other law violations as evidenced by SKCK
Willing to be placed at any BNI Wilayah Surabaya outlets
Closing date: January 19, 2022

Placement Area

  • Bojonegoro
  • Graha Pangeran Surabaya
  • Gresik
  • HR Muhammad
  • Jombang
  • Pamekasan
  • Mojokerto
  • Sidoarjo
  • Surabaya
  • Tanjung Perak
  • Tuban
  • Lamongan

Application Documents

Application Letter
Curriculum Vitae
Latest diploma (if not available, use Graduation Certificate (SKL))
4 pieces 4x6 cm photograph
1 sheet full body photograph size 3R
Police Certificate (SKCK)
Health & Drugs Free Certificate

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