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Lowongan Kerja Priority Banking Officer Bank BRI Agustus 2021


Rekrutmen.net - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk juga aktif mendukung program Pemerintah seperti peningkatan inklusi keuangan, penyaluran kredit bersubsidi Kredit Usaha Rakyat, dan atau Bantuan Sosial Non Tunai. 

Posisi :


Minimum age 20 years old and maximum age 24 years old (not yet passed the 25th birthday on selection process)
Minimum possess Associate (Diploma 3) / Bachelor degree
Minimum GPA 2.75
Minimum height 160 cm for female and 165 cm for male
Not married and willing to not marry during the internship period
Honest and able to communicate well
Have good computer literacy
Willing to be placed in any BRI KC Perawang work unit

Application Documents

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Legalized photocopy of diploma
Legalized photocopy of transcript
Photocopy of identity card (KTP)
Photocopy of Family Card (KK)
Photocopy of Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
Police Certificate (SKCK)
Health Certificate
1 piece color photograph size 4x6
1 sheet postcard size photograph

Should you are interested and meet the requirements above please send / submit directly your application no later than August 19, 2021 to:

Kantor Cabang BRI Perawang
Jl. Perawang KM 6
Kecamatan Tualang
Kabupaten Siak
Riau - 28653