Lowongan Kerja The Complete Banker (TCB) Program PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk Juli 2021
Rekrutmen.NET - PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk atau yang lebih dikenal dengan CIMB
Niaga, CIMB Niaga merupakan perbankan yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun
1955. Kini CIMB Niaga menjadi perusahaan terbesar keempat di Indonesia
dilihat dari sisi aset, dan diakui prestasi dan keunggulannya di bidang
pelayanan nasabah dan pengembangan manajemen. Pasti kalian ingin
sekali berkarir di perusahaan ini, salah satu posisi yang dibuka
betikut ini cocok untuk anda lulusan baru dan ingin mencari pekerjaan,
berikut ini informasi posisi dan Persyaratannya
Posisi :
The Complete Banker (TCB) Program
Job Description
- This is a two-year structured development program that provides a holistic overview of the banking industry. Armed with this, you will be able to chart the path of your professional growth with the goal of attaining your maximum potential. The strategic nature of this program rewards those with diverse and innovative perspectives.
Minimum Qualifications
- We are highly encourage and pleased to meet fresh graduated candidates that possess a strong track academic record.
- We looking for a corporate athlete, agile, versatile and dynamic, understands the importance of adaptability, with the tenacity to move with the fast-paced rhythm of our work environment, with strong communication skills is a must.
- 25 positions available
- Closing date: December 14, 2021
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