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Lowongan Kerja PT Hasura Mitra Gemilang Juni 2021

 PT. Hasura Mitra Gemilang adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Plastik Injection yang didirikan pada tanggal 04 April 2003. PT. Hasura Mitra Gemilang telah memiliki 43 buah mesin injeksi plastik dan akan terus berkembang dengan penambahan jumlah mesin dikemudian hari, serta mempekerjakan lebih dari 300 orang karyawan. Kami mensuplai baik untuk pasar nasional maupun internasional untuk berbagai bidang. Untuk semakin memantapkan posisi kami PT. Hasura Mitra Gemilang telah berhasil mendapatkan sertifikasi ISO 9001:2015 dari lembaga sertifikasi ISO Internasional, TUV.

Human Resource


  • Prepare the required document for the payment process related to Payroll System
  • Perform administrative Processes related to Payroll System
  • Handling data into HR system (ERP) and maintenance of employee information.
  • Manage and Control Employee Training & Development
  • Employee Management (Include in a new hire, promotion, demotion, mutation, extension, and termination of contracts).
  • Will directly collaborate with Head of Department HR in making improvements and innovations to increase and maintain efficiency and effectiveness of manpower
  • Will be trained and responsible as a team for Recruitment, GA, Organization Development and set Key Performance Indicator
  • Human Resource Document Control
  • Will learn about Payment routines such as BPJS Kesehatan, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and PPh 21


  • Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources related.
  • Experience in using a payroll system
  • High analytical thinking, high accuracy, high attention to detail.
  • Maximum age of 28 years
  • Expertise in Microsoft Office, Administration, Documentation & Document Control.
  • Trustworthy and willing to work under pressure

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