Lowongan Kerja PT Dhanistha Surya Nusantara Mei 2021
PT Dhanistha Surya Nusantara adalah Perusahaan Swasta Nasional yang bergerak di bidang Industri Kelapa sawit, dengan luas area +/- 100.000 HA dan memiliki 9 Pabrik kelapa sawit yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.
1. Commmercial Officer
- Bachelor degree of Engineering (Industrial/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Chemical Engineering)
- GPA at least 3,00 of 4,00
- Prefer Female
- Fresh graduates are welcomed to apply
- Able to analyze data and problem solving thinking
- Proactive, self-driven, able to work as a team and individual
- Physicaily and mentally heaithy
- Thorough and able to work under pressure to reach the target
- Likes chalienges and commitments
- Placement in Head Office, Puri Kembangan, West Jakarta
- Willing to do an official travel, if needed
2. Procurement Officer
- Bachelor degree of Engineering (Industrial/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Chemical Engineering)
- GPA at least 3,00 of 4,00
- Prefer Female
- Fresh graduates are welcomed to apply
- Abie to analyze data and problem solving thinking
- Proactive, self diven, able to work as a team and individual
- Physically and mentaliy heaithy
- Thorough and able to work under pressure to reach the target
- Likes challenges and commitments
- Placement in Head Office, Puri Kembangan, West Jakarta
- Willing to do an official travel, if needed
4. Tax Assistant Manager
- Bachelor degree of Accounting
- GPA at least 3,00 of 4.00
- Fresh graduates are welcomed to apply
- Physically and mentaliy healthy
- Thorough and able ta work under pressure
- Likes challenges and commitmenis
- Placement in Head Office, Puri Kembangan. West Jakarta
- Willing to do an official travel, to estate and mill, if needed
5. IT Intern Students
- Final semester of Engineering Major, GPA min 3.00 of 4.00
- Prefer Female
- Willing to learn something new
- Good personal and interpersonal skills
- Willing to do full time Internship program for min 6 months
- Placement in Head Office, Puri Kembangan, West Jakarta
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