Lowongan Kerja Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Bandar Lampung April 2021
Rekrutmen.NET - Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) adalah lembaga yang
independen yang mempunyai fungsi, tugas, dan wewenang pengaturan,
pengawasan, pemeriksaan, dan penyidikan. OJK dibentuk berdasarkan UU
Nomor 21 Tahun 2011 yang berfungsi menyelenggarakan sistem pengaturan
dan pengawasan yang terintegrasi terhadap keseluruhan kegiatan di dalam
sektor jasa keuangan. OJK didirikan untuk menggantikan peran Bapepam-LK
dalam pengaturan dan pengawasan pasar modal dan lembaga keuangan, serta
menggantikan peran Bank Indonesia dalam pengaturan dan pengawasan bank,
serta untuk melindungi konsumen industri jasa keuangan.
Saat ini Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) membuka lowongan kerja sbb :
Posisi :
- Female
- Maximum age 25 years old
- Minimum possess Associate degree (Diploma 3) or equivalent
- Attractive and neat appearance
- Able to communicate well, friendly and able to provide excellent service
- Physically and mentally fit
- Ready to work beyond the stipulated working hours including on holiday
- Experienced as a Receptionist is preferred
Teknisi Teknologi Informasi (IT)
- Male
- Maximum age 35 years old
- Minimum High School (SMA) graduate or equivalent, preferably majoring in Computer Science / Computer Engineering / Informatics Engineering
- Able to communicate well and provide excellent service
- Ready to work beyond the stipulated working hours including on holiday
- Physically and mentally fit
- Mastery Computer Science and IT / communication network (software as well as hardware)
- Has data and graphic processing capability
- Preferably having work experience in the IT support field
Application Document
The application letter should be completed with:
- Biodata / Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- 2 pieces 4x6 cm color photograph
- Photocopy of Identity Card (KTP)
- Legalized photocopy of the lastest diploma
- A valid Police Certificate (SKCK)
- Health Certificate from hospital / Puskesmas
- Employment Certificate from previous employer (for experienced candidates)
- Phone number / mobile phone number that can be contacted
- Kantor Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Provinsi Lampung
- Jalan Way Sekampung No. 9
- Bandar Lampung
- Lampung
Hanya pelamar terbaik yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi
Rekutmen ini tidak dipungut biaya.