Lowongan Kerja PT Sinergi Informatika Semen Indonesia (SISI) Jakarta Desember 2020
Rekrutmen.NET - PT Sinergi Informatika Semen Indonesia (SISI) merupakan
anak usaha dari PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. yang bergerak di
bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Resmi berdiri pada tanggal 9
Juni 2014, SISI dibentuk berdasar dari pengalaman mengelola ICT Semen
Indonesia Group selama lebih dari 15 tahun. SISI secara konsisten
menunjukkan jati dirinya sebagai perusahaan penyedia solusi IT
terkemuka di Indonesia dengan terus menemukan dan menciptakan best
dalam pengelolaan bisnis baik bagi perusahaan maupun masyarakat secara umum.
Saat ini PT Sinergi Informatika Semen Indonesia membuka lowongan kerja sbb :
1. Architect Community Manager
Job Descriptions :
- Achieve sales targets on design purchasing service for Architect Partner, tergetacquisition and transformation of Architect Partners to the Community Architect Division and build networking in the Architect association and IAI association
Qualifications :
- Bachelor’s Degree in Architect
- At least 5 year of working experience in the relatedfield is required for this position
2. Project Architect & QC Manager
Job Descriptions :
- Achieve salas targetso design purchase line of Architect In-House and Palnning & Design Division in order to produce aesthetic design in accodance with architectural standards needs, customer budgets and able to accommodate building products and technology
Qualifications :
- Bachelor’s Degree in Architect
- At least 5 year of working experience in the related field is required for this position
3. Quality System Manager
Job Descriptions :
- Establish policies and procedures for the business process of Sobat Bangun, leading the continuous improvement of the Quality Management Syatem for business processes of Sobat Bangun through the implementation of the Internal Audit program, developing and maintaining operational quality standards, identify oppotunities for business improvement of Sobat Bangun, Manage train and develop high performance Quality System to meet agreed objectives and deliver best practice result, added value and continuous improvement
Qualifications :
- Bachelor’s Degree in Architect/Engineering (Civil)
- At least 3 year of working experience in the related field is required for this position
Jika anda tertarik dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi lowongan ini, silahkan kirimkan CV terbaru anda melalui email ke:
Email subject : (Position) – Sobat Bangun
Paling lambat 31 Desember 2020
recruitment[at]sisi.id .Rekrutmen ini tidak dikenakan biaya apapun.