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Lowongan Kerja September 2020 PT Donggi Senoro LNG

PT Donggi Senoro LNG (DSLNG) adalah perusahaan penghasil gas alam cair Indonesia. Proyek gas DSLNG merupakan salah satu kegiatan utama koridor Sulawesi dalam Master Plan Percepatan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (MP3EI). DSLNG memberi peluang bagi pengembangan beberapa cadangan gas alam berskala kecil yang belum dikembangkan.

Ladang gas DSLNG terletak di Kabupaten Banggai, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, sekitar 20 kilometer sebelah tenggara kota Luwuk, yaitu kota utama di Kabupaten Banggai. Pabrik LNG ini berdiri di atas lahan seluas lebih dari 300 hektar, di pesisir pantai yang menghadap Selat Peleng, yang menawarkan jalur pelayaran di lautan yang dalam dari Surabaya dan Makassar ke Luwuk dan Manado.


Public Relations Officer
  • Directorate: Corporate Affairs 
  • Reporting to: External Communication Supervisor 
  • Work Location: Site Base

Job Responsibilities:
  • Develop and execute external publication activities plan as assigned to ensure all activities are well managed and well delivered in strengthening organization brand and reputation in the market.
  • Coordinate and liaise with Information Center, QHSE Department and Corporate Social Responsibility Department to develop an integrated calendar of external communication events.
  • Study and review incoming proposal from external parties in relation to event sponsorship to ensure that all incoming proposals are in compliance with DSLNG’s sponsorship policies.
  • Prepare and administer reports and documentation of external communication activities and sponsorship events to ensure availability of timely report to the DSLNG Management.
  • Handle corporate visits and visitors according to company protocol and regulation to ensure the required service in place.
Job Qualifications:
  • Minimum Bachelor degree in Communication and Public Relations or related fields.
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in relevant industry (preferably with exposure to Oil & Gas industry).
  • Preferable for those who have good English communication skill because of the demands of the scope of work and responsibilities.
  • Specific Conditions: Contract Base (1 year for initial stage with subject to permanent)

Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran ke alamat email berikut:
Subject email: “Position Name”
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