Lowongan Kerja PT Caterpillar Indonesia Terbaru Juli 2020
PT Caterpillar Indonesia berkantor
pusat di Cileungsi, Bogor. Produknya termasuk excavator, bulldozer,
motor grade, wheel loader, truk, traktor, scrapers, road reclaimer,
pipelayers, wheel dozers, material handlers dan mesin sektor kehutanan.
Excavator CAT kelas 20 – ton yang dibuat di Indonesia dijual ke sektor
pertambangan, kehutanan, konstruksi dan pertanian pasar di seluruh
Indonesia. Pabrik di Cileungsi yang dibuka pada 1982 difokuskan
memproduksi excavator dan skidder. Perusahaan menyetujui rencana
memproduksi tiga kali lipat excavator di lokasi tersebut dari kapasitas
awal sebesar 1.290 unit per tahun.
Saat ini PT Caterpillar Indonesia kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru sbb
Quality Supervisor
Job Duties/Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:
Basic Qualifications:
Saat ini PT Caterpillar Indonesia kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru sbb
Quality Supervisor
Job Duties/Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:
- Developing and maintaining standards for quality management systems, including documentation requirements, traceability, audit procedures and process control requirements.
- Responsible for providing inputs into the production control plan. These inputs include risk data from the Design and Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) as well as warranty information, previous inspection data, and historical data from similar processes and products. Responsible for identifying key product risks which need to be managed through the deployment of a control plan or IPV (In-Process Validation) check.
- Responsible for creating, providing and maintaining the quality gate checklist/inspection tools for Inspector.
- Provide process coaching/training to Inspector.
- Analyze and evaluate quality-related metrics 2 MIS DPU (Months in Service) (Defects per Unit), Miss/Found/New data to identify where improvement opportunities may exist
- Responsible for ensuring the calibration of all inspection and checking equipment, gages, and masters used during the calibration process. Also responsible for ensuring retention of calibration records of the master gages where required.
- Responsible for defining process metrics and targets at the appropriate level and ensure these metrics and targets support enterprise metrics and targets
- Responsible for analyzing the Quality Gate data and field performance and make decisions and assign action-items related to improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system and their processes, improvement of the product related to customer requirements, and resource needs.
Basic Qualifications:
- Proficient in English language.
- A bachelor’s degree of mechanical design/manufacture;
- 5 (five) years working experience on quality management.
- Good analysis, diagnostic and judgment skills and good computer skills
- Good interpersonal skills are essential to develop a cooperative working relationship with others, both inside and outside the organization
- Location: Batam, Riau, Indonesia
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