Lowongan Kerja PT Toyota-Astra Motor April 2019
Rekrutmen.NET Lowongan Kerja PT Toyota-Astra Motor atau biasa
disingkat dengan TAM merupakan Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merk Mobil Toyota
dan Lexus di Indonesia. TAM merupakan perusahaan joint venture antara
PT. Astra International Tbk dengan persentase saham 50% dan Toyota Motor
Corporation, Jepang dengan persentase saham 50%.
Saat ini PT Toyota-Astra Motor membuka lowongan kerja sbb :
Officer Development Program (ODP)
Staff Development Program (SDP)
Jika anda berminat, silakan melakukan pendaftaran online disini : pendaftaran.
Rekrutmen tidak dipungut biaya. batas pendaftaran 22 april 2019.
Saat ini PT Toyota-Astra Motor membuka lowongan kerja sbb :
Officer Development Program (ODP)
- S1/S2
- GPA > 3.00 ; Age max. 27 years old
- Fluent in English, both in oral and written
- Proficient in using Microsoft Office
- Preferable those with organizational
- experience
- Qualification for ODP : Management, Marketing, Industrial Engineering, Economy Study,
- Accounting, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Psychology, Information Engineering
Staff Development Program (SDP)
- D3
- GPA > 3.00 ; Age max. 25 years old
- Fluent in English, both in oral and written
- Proficient in using Microsoft Office
- Preferable those with organizational
- experience
- Qualification for SDP (D3) : Administration, Accounting, All engineering background
Rekrutmen tidak dipungut biaya. batas pendaftaran 22 april 2019.