Lowongan Kerja PT PP (Persero) Jakarta 2019
Rekrutmen.NET - Lowongan BUMN 2019 PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero)Tbk, disingkat
PT PP (Persero)Tbk merupakan salah satu perusahaan BUMN yang bergerak
dalam bidang perencanaan dan konstruksi bangunan (real estate).
Perusahaan ini sudah lama berdiri di indonesia , yaitu sejak tanggal 26
Agustus 1953 dan pada awalnya bernama NV Pembangunan Perumahan. lalu
namanya diganti menjadi PN Pembangunan Perumahan melalui Peraturan
Pemerintah No 63 tahun 1960. Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah RI no. 39
tahun 1971 statusnya berubah menjadi PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero).
Sebagai perusahaan BUMN dimana mayoritas (51%) kepemilikan saham PT PP
dipegang oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan sisanya sebesar (49%)
dipegang karyawan dan manajemen PT PP. Sejak IPO, mayoritas (51%) saham
dipegang pemerintah, 21,4% saham publik dan 27,6% saham dipegang
karyawan dan manajemen PT PP. Adapun bidang usaha utama yang ditekuni
perusahaan BUMN ini yaitu dalam pelaksanaan konstruksi bangunan gedung
dan sipil. PT PP juga mengerjakan bidang usaha terkait lainnya, seperti
manajemen gedung, pengembangan properti dan realti.Pada kesempatan yang
baik ini, terutama untuk kalian yang sedang mencari kerja, PT PP
(Persero)Tbk sedang membuka lowongan kerja terbaru untuk penempatan
seluruh Indonesia, inilah kesempatan yang baik untuk kalian, berikut
informasi selengkapnya :
Posisi :
Management Trainee 2019 – Civil Engineering
Management Trainee 2019 – Electrical Engineering
Management Trainee 2019 - Accounting
Management Trainee 2019 – Mechanical Engineering (Tes Jakarta)
Management Trainee 2019 – Instrument Engineering (Tes Jakarta)
Management Trainee 2019 – Process Engineering (Tes Jakarta)
Bagi kalian yang memenuhi syarat, dapat melakukan pendaftaran online disini :
Rekrutmen ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Semoga bermanfaat.
Posisi :
Management Trainee 2019 – Civil Engineering
- Male / Female
- Final Year Students or Minimum Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering from reputable university
- Maximum age of 26 years old
- GPA ≥ 3.00
- Good understanding and able to speak in English
- Understanding the principles of civil engineering, building qualifications, irrigation, ports, or roads
- Good skill in using of IT application/progam that related with civil/construction
- Having experience in campus organization is a must
- Willing to be placed throughout PT PP (Persero) Tbk projects (all over Indonesia & overseas)
Management Trainee 2019 – Electrical Engineering
- Male / Female
- D4 of Electrical Engineering (Strong Current) from reputable university
- Maximum age of 26 years old
- GPA ≥ 3.00
- Good understanding and able to speak in English
- Understanding the principles of electrical engineering, electrical work building, procedures of procurement and implementations electrical functions in the project
- Having experience in campus organization is an advantage
- Willing to be placed throughout PT PP (Persero) Tbk projects (all over Indonesia & overseas)
Management Trainee 2019 - Accounting
- Male / Female
- Final Year Students or Minimum Bachelor Degree of Accounting & Business Management from reputable university
- Maximum age of 26 years old
- GPA ≥ 3.00
- Good understanding and able to speak in English
- Understanding the principles of accounting and financial analysis
- Having experience in campus organization is a must
- Willing to be placed throughout PT PP (Persero) Tbk projects (all over Indonesia & overseas)
Management Trainee 2019 – Mechanical Engineering (Tes Jakarta)
- Male / Female
- Minimum Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering from reputable university
- Maximum age of 26 years old
- GPA ≥ 3.00
- Good understanding and able to speak in English
- Understanding the principles of mechanical engineering, procedures of procurement and implementations mechanical functions in the project
- Having interest and knowledge in the field of EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction)
- Having experience in campus organization is an advantage
- Willing to be placed throughout PT PP (Persero) Tbk projects (all over Indonesia & overseas)
Management Trainee 2019 – Instrument Engineering (Tes Jakarta)
- Male / Female
- Minimum Bachelor Degree of Psyhics Engineering (Control & Instrumentations) & Electrical Engineering (Control & Telecomunications) from reputable university
- Maximum age of 26 years old
- GPA ≥ 3.00
- Good understanding and able to speak in English
- Understanding the principles of electrical engineering, electrical work building, procedures of procurement and implementations electrical functions in the project
- Having interest and knowledge in the field of EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction)
- Having experience in campus organization is an advantage
- Willing to be placed throughout PT PP (Persero) Tbk projects (all over Indonesia & overseas)
Management Trainee 2019 – Process Engineering (Tes Jakarta)
- Male / Female
- Final Year Students or Minimum Bachelor Degree of Industrial or Chemical Engineering from reputable university
- Maximum age of 26 years old
- GPA ≥ 3.00
- Good understanding and able to speak in English
- Understanding the principal and system of process engineering
- Understanding Engineering Standards (SNI, ACI, AISC, ASTM, ASME, JIS, BRITISH, PTK007, and the others international standard)
- Understanding Flow Process Diagram
- Understanding Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
- Having interest and knowledge in the field of EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction)
- Having experience in campus organization is a must
- Willing to be placed throughout PT PP (Persero) Tbk projects (all over Indonesia & overseas)
Bagi kalian yang memenuhi syarat, dapat melakukan pendaftaran online disini :
Rekrutmen ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Semoga bermanfaat.