Lowongan Kerja PT. Kaltim Prima Coal Balikpapan 2019
Rekrutmen.NET - Lowongan Kerja Balikpapan 2019 | Melamar pekerjaan adalah hal
yang wajib dilakukan pelamar kerja untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan, dengan
melampirkan lamaran, cv, ijazah dan lain-lain, perusahaan dapat menilai
diri anda apakah anda layak untuk diterima bekerja di perusahaan mereka,
untuk itu dalam mempersiapkan berkas lamaran pastikan anda sudah
melengkapinya dengan benar, lengkapi dengan berkas pendukung lainnya
seperti sertipikat keahlian, surat rekomendasi kerja, skck, dll. semakin
data anda lengkap maka semakin menambah daya tarik anda untuk diundang
ke tahap selanjutnya. berikut ini kami akan berikan informasi lowongan
kerja dari PT. Kaltim Prima Coal adalah sebuah perusahaan penghasil batu
bara terbesar di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini adalah salah satu anak
perusahaan dari PT. Bumi Resources (Tbk). Perusahaan ini berlokasi di
daerah Sangatta, Kabupaten Kutai Timur, Kalimantan Timur. saat ini PT.
Kaltim Prima Coal membuka lowongan kerja terbaru, berikut informasi
selengkapnya :
Posisi :
(Fixed Term Position)
• Tertiary degree (S1) in Psychology, Human Resources Management, Industrial Engineering, or other related disciplines.
• Minimum 2 (two) years relevant experience in human resources development, ideally with at least 1 (one) year in competency assessment, competency modeling, assessment tools development, and competency system.
• Knowledge of up-to-date human resources and competency management issues.
• Analytical thinking, problem-solving and time management competencies.
• Interpersonal and communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
• Presentation and facilitation skills.
• Strong commitment to KPC vision, mission, values, and HSE standards.
(Fixed Term Position)
• Bachelor degree (S1) Mechanical with 3 years’ experience in wide variety of mechanical projects including mining industry and Power Plant.
• Sound problem solving and decision making competencies.
• Leadership, communication and interpersonal skills to influence and deal with a diverse range of personnel.
• Sound project management competency.
• Financial skills to handle project and budget responsibilities.
• Excellent written and oral communication. Skills in both English and Indonesian, to liaise with internal and external contacts.
Please send your application with a comprehensive CV (include Salary Expectation) and a recent photograph, within 2 weeks after this advertising published with email address:
Superintendent Recruitment : Recruitment@kpc.co.id
PO BOX 620 Balikpapan 76106 Kalimantan Timur
Or Email: Recruitment@kpc.co.id
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection process
Posisi :
(Fixed Term Position)
• Tertiary degree (S1) in Psychology, Human Resources Management, Industrial Engineering, or other related disciplines.
• Minimum 2 (two) years relevant experience in human resources development, ideally with at least 1 (one) year in competency assessment, competency modeling, assessment tools development, and competency system.
• Knowledge of up-to-date human resources and competency management issues.
• Analytical thinking, problem-solving and time management competencies.
• Interpersonal and communication skills in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
• Presentation and facilitation skills.
• Strong commitment to KPC vision, mission, values, and HSE standards.
(Fixed Term Position)
• Bachelor degree (S1) Mechanical with 3 years’ experience in wide variety of mechanical projects including mining industry and Power Plant.
• Sound problem solving and decision making competencies.
• Leadership, communication and interpersonal skills to influence and deal with a diverse range of personnel.
• Sound project management competency.
• Financial skills to handle project and budget responsibilities.
• Excellent written and oral communication. Skills in both English and Indonesian, to liaise with internal and external contacts.
Please send your application with a comprehensive CV (include Salary Expectation) and a recent photograph, within 2 weeks after this advertising published with email address:
Superintendent Recruitment : Recruitment@kpc.co.id
PO BOX 620 Balikpapan 76106 Kalimantan Timur
Or Email: Recruitment@kpc.co.id
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection process