Lowongan Kerja PT Unilever Indonesia 2019
Rekrutmen.NET - Pencari kerja perlu mewaspadai oknum yang merugikan,
banyak pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab menggunakan nama besar
perusahaan untuk menjebak pelamar kerja, atau bisa dibilang membuat
lowongan kerja palsu. modusnya pihak rekrutmen meminta untuk mengirimkan
sejumlah uang untuk alasan yang tidak jelas, padahal rekrutmen lowongan
kerja manapun tidak ada yang dipungut biaya, jika ada demikan, maka
anda segera hindari! Cara yang digunakan dengan memasukan informasi
palsu dari sebuah perusahaan besar atau menciptakan perusahaan fiktif
karangan mereka sendiri. Oleh karena itu waspadalah. berikut ini kami
mendapatkan informasi lowongan kerja dari Unilever, unilever merupakan
perusahaan multinasional bergerak dalam memproduksi barang konsumen yang
berpusat di Rotterdam, Belanda. Unilever ini pertama sekali didirikan
pada tahun 1930. hingga saaat ini tercatat Unilever sudah mempekerjakan
sekitar 206.000 pekerja dan juga memproduksi makanan, minuman,
pembersih, dan konsumen pribadi. Beberapa merek terkenal milik Unilever
adalah: Rinso, Sunsilk, Dove, dan Clear. Di Indonesia, Unilever
Indonesia sendiri sdudah bergerak ke bidang memproduksi sabun, deterjen,
margarin, minyak sayur dan makanan yang terbuat dari susu, es krim,
makanan dan minuman dari teh, produk-produk kosmetik, dan produk rumah
tangga. dan pada tahun 2018 ini Unilever kembali membuka lowongan kerja
terbaru , berikut informasi selengkapnya :
Posisi :
At Unilever you are more than your job title, you are part of the world's most successful, purpose-led business. Work with brands that are well-loved around the world, that improve the lives of our consumers and the communities around us. And work alongside brilliant and inspiring business leaders and colleagues. If you want to feel proud of what you do and make others proud too, join us
Supply Chain Department of PT Unilever Indonesia, TBK is now hiring final year student or fresh graduate with less than 1 year working experience for a full time internship vacancy (ULIP – Unilever Internship Program) in varied roles within supply chain. The job profile below will be specific for procurement role internship vacancy.
What's the Requirements?
Both positions are open for:
What's the Job Profile?
The selected candidate will be assigned to procurement role covering:
commercial part - pricing negotiation, analytics, forecasting, contracting, to
operational; part cash release, cost saving, innovation, sustainability, and service level improvement for a given material portfolio.
Aside, there will be specific project assigned along with the roles mentioned above.
The selected candidate will report to Procurement Manager.
How to Apply?
Interested candidates shall send the latest CV with mandatory requirements as follow:
Only short listed candidate will be invited to Interview by Unilever Indonesia
Before 4th December 2018

Posisi :
At Unilever you are more than your job title, you are part of the world's most successful, purpose-led business. Work with brands that are well-loved around the world, that improve the lives of our consumers and the communities around us. And work alongside brilliant and inspiring business leaders and colleagues. If you want to feel proud of what you do and make others proud too, join us
Supply Chain Department of PT Unilever Indonesia, TBK is now hiring final year student or fresh graduate with less than 1 year working experience for a full time internship vacancy (ULIP – Unilever Internship Program) in varied roles within supply chain. The job profile below will be specific for procurement role internship vacancy.
What's the Requirements?
Both positions are open for:
- Final year student and/or fresh graduate with less than 1 year working experience;
- Majoring in Engineering (any discpline of Engineering), IT, and/or Economics and Business;
- Residing in Jabodetabek as the position is based at Unilever Indonesia HQ in BSD.
- Minimum tenure required: 6 months.
- Possess high capability in data analytics and accuracy with numbers.
- Capable to speak and write in English fluently.
- Fluent use of excel.
What's the Job Profile?
The selected candidate will be assigned to procurement role covering:
commercial part - pricing negotiation, analytics, forecasting, contracting, to
operational; part cash release, cost saving, innovation, sustainability, and service level improvement for a given material portfolio.
Aside, there will be specific project assigned along with the roles mentioned above.
The selected candidate will report to Procurement Manager.
How to Apply?
Interested candidates shall send the latest CV with mandatory requirements as follow:
- subject of the email: "Procurement ULIP Vacancy at Unilever Indonesia".
- cover letter to be written in the body of the email.
- CV/resume in word or pdf document with size less than 2MB and in English.
- send to david-immanuel.sihombing@unilever.com
- ready for interview by next 1-2 weeks in Unilever HO, BSD.
- only selected candidates to be informed on further steps.
- incorrect submission will not be processed.
Only short listed candidate will be invited to Interview by Unilever Indonesia
Before 4th December 2018